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Shelby Hughes
1 min read
S2E12: Best Moments and Thankfulness
It's the very last episode. Hear about the plans for next season along with the Top 10 moments from this season. I also read some...

Shelby Hughes
2 min read
S2E11: Prepping for Thanksgiving with guest Bethany Barendregt
Bethany and I take some time to talk about the Thanksgiving season, and I love her take on serving family and friends within the home,...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
S2E10: Thankful In All with guest Karen Gauvreau
Thanksgiving and thankful hearts

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
S2E9: Fear & Stillness
Do you struggle with fear? On today's episode, I'm talking about fear regarding relationship with family and friends. I have come to find...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
S2E8: Learning To Be Still with guest Megan Ericson
In this episode, Megan and I talk about how stillness can be difficult in the busy seasons. Between children and work and projects on...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
S2E7: 10 Ways To Create Stillness
Life moves way too quickly. They say the days are long but the years are short, and I wholeheartedly agree. That's why I need stillness,...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
S2E6: Forced To Be Still with guest Terri Conlin
For the month of September, we are talking all about stillness on Making the Time podcast! Making time for stillness can be so difficult....

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
S2E5: Choosing Hope and Joy Again
Life is hard. Just as we get used to life being one way, something changes. As we end out the theme of endings for the month of August,...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 17: The End Of Ourselves with guest Emily Allen
Parenting is hard and requires sacrifice. Emily Allen, podcast host for Kindred Mom and Mama to six children, talks a bit about what...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 16: Unexpected Endings with guest Wesley Hughes
In this episode, my husband shares the story of losing his leg to a skiing accident and his dad to cancer all within 10 years. In the...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 15: Empty Nest or Full Nest with guest Laura Thomas
Laura: "All those years in diapers and doing the menial things, which, you feel like plucking your eyes out sometimes — nothing is...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 14: New Season
We are back on for season 2, and in the month of August, our theme is endings. There will be several guests on the show this season, so...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 13: Trusting Your Story
Each of us have pieces of our story that are hard to tell, pieces that we'd rather forget. But oftentimes, it's those stories that point...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 12: Remembering Your Story
In this episode, I bring a memory from my childhood to remembrance and share it with you. I also explain how you can remember your story...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 11: Care And Dreams
It's "Good" Friday today, and in this episode, I read some scripture on the care that Jesus showed his disciples when his betrayal was...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 10: Hobbies And Dreams
In today's episode, I give you a few reasons why hobbies are good for your health, and how they contribute to your work day. You will...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 9: Music And Dreams
Ever wonder what the Bible really says about music? It's no wonder that there are many passionate opinions regarding music when it has...

Shelby Hughes
2 min read
Episode 8: Writing Dreams
You have a dream that won't go away. It's sort of a lingering goal, one you may or may not be taking baby steps toward. In this episode,...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 7: Travel Dreams
Do you ever feel like your dreams are on hold? Does it make you anxious when your dreams feel unattainable? On the podcast this month,...

Shelby Hughes
1 min read
Episode 6: Loving Your Friends
As a child, I assumed that the friendships I held then would last forever. However, not all friendships are meant to last forever. We...
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